Saturday, October 29, 2011

I am, apparently, a huge badass.

Hey guys.

So this whole blogging thing. I'm too lazy to write all this out by hand, and I keep feeling like I have things to say. These things aren't exactly "relevant," but I could imagine them potentially being useful to someone, and at the very least I appreciate the opportunity to get it all down. Plus I have this ongoing thing of being horrible at keeping up with the people I love, and this seems to be a relatively good way to do it - though perhaps a bit of a cop-out.

So, what am I thinking about at 12:22 on a Saturday night? well, a) I promise I'm not usually this lame. I would be out having adventures throughout campus, but there are at least three inches of snow on the ground and I am, quite frankly, wiped. So I visited the frosh and a friend's party and now I'm tucked up in Qhouse, chilling with some guitar-ing friends in the D (it's so collllllllldddd in tha D!). And now I'm here, because I'm been ruminating, and felt the urge to ruminate into the internets. hmmm...

b) I'm thinking about friendships, and I'm thinking about what they should look like if they are rewarding and healthy. I'm thinking that I am so lucky to have a lot of those in my life, and I'm thinking that I have had the unfortunate experience of running into a seemingly disproportionate number that straight up do not look like what I would call "legit." Hm.

Whatever, since this is the maiden voyage of this blog, I feel like I should give a more balanced view of what senior year has looked like so far. Basically, here is all you need to know: I am a huge badass. Like actually. All the time. I've got such swag this year. Classes are amazing. Everything is coming together in a relevant and exciting way, and it's all channeling into my thesis in a way that will, essentially, kick ass. Whatever, no big deal. What else? Yeah, I'm an AMA, my frosh are bosssss, my team is the shit, we've got some swag. Qhouse continues to be full of light and wonderment, and I continue to love eating broccoli with basically every meal. mmmm what? Co-teaching an ed class at Bryn Mawr, noooo big deal (huge deal), and trying to get lunches in with friends I see all too infrequently. I'm pretty much really disillusioned by the whole dating thing here. As much as I love hford, I'm really ready for people (men) who can, you know, like actually handle themselves like real people, and these kids are just not up to it. Poor boys. Whatever, I'm like mostly unfazed because so much other awesome stuff is going on, but that continues to be something like a bummer. I'm trying to go to Meeting tomorrow. We'll see if that works out. I am, again, like preeeettttty wiped, due to almost complete overwhelmament this past week - for me and everyone else here, apparently. It was a rough one, but we got through it, and it's time to buckle in and re-set for next week. Ready for it.

Here we go.


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